Sylvia Schnödewind

Sylvia Schnödewind is an executive business coach and organizational development expert with a focus on transformation in change processes. Her focus is on leadership development and, as a mediator, on team processes and conflict management. Her approach, which she consistently incorporates into her work, is characterized by clarity as well as a mindful and constructivist attitude. Her goal is to enable people in organizations to approach change courageously and to meet daily challenges with clarity, self-confidence and resilience.

Sylvia Schnödewind is the owner of Schnödewind Plus - Organizational Development, with an interdisciplinary team of management consultants, trainers and coaches. She is a trained MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) Coach, NLP Master, Systemic Coach and Generative Coach as well as a mediator.

Before becoming self-employed, she was herself a manager for several years after completing her degree in education (specializing in adult education and business). Her well-known clients include companies from the IT sector, entertainment industry, banks and chemical industry. They all appreciate her ability to empathize, as well as her appreciative and sometimes provocative style as a sparring partner.

In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her dogs and being outdoors a lot.